Friday File

March 28, 2025 

Dear Fieldstone Community,  

It was lovely to welcome our students back to school after the March break! We hope everyone had a restful and relaxing time with family and friends.  

The week was spent getting back into the flow of things here at Fieldstone. Over March break, Fieldstone students participated in the Legion Public Speaking contest and the Kangaroo Math competition. This week, we had our Class Spelling Bees, and the top three spellers from each grade participated in the Fieldstone Spelling Bee on Friday. The top spellers will go on to compete in the preliminary round on April 6, leading up to the National Super Spelling Bee! Well done to our amazing students! Please enjoy the photos below.  

Today was ‘Career Day,’ and we saw astronauts, doctors, engineers, jujitsu champions, scientists and a few singers in our classrooms and hallways. Some very creative (and optimistic) future careers were also represented! Please enjoy the photo below.  

The Fieldstone Drama Club’s production of William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo & Juliet’ is in the final stages of preparation and rehearsals. We look forward to seeing you at the performance on April 11. Please complete the RSVP form HERE 

Fieldstone’s Spring Showcase is going to be extra special this year. The theme is ‘Swing & Salsa’, and our audience is invited to join the fun … and dance! Please read Mr. Morales’s letter to the Fieldstone community HERE. Please spend a few moments completing the RSVP form HERE.  

We look forward to seeing you at our second Parent Teacher Interviews on Friday, April 4. On this day, we will have an early dismissal for our students (at 11:40 a.m.). Appointments will be 5 – 10 minutes, depending on the grade and subject, and are available from 1:00 – 6:30 p.m. Please send an email to [email protected], to book a spot with your child’s teachers. After-care will be available until 3:30 p.m. ($10 per hour). If your child(ren) are staying past 11:40 a.m. on this day, please inform [email protected].    

We’ll end this week’s Friday File by sharing a video of a violin performance of our Grade Seven students at the Royal Conservatory of Music on March 8. Please enjoy Sophia Chen’s incredible talent HERE.  Many thanks to Sophia’s family for sharing the video with us!  

Until next week, stay safe and have a wonderful weekend. A very special Eid Mubarak to all our friends and families who celebrate.  


Shumaila Khan 

Head of School

Fieldstone Spelling Bee (Thursday, March 27, 2025) 

Career Day (Friday, March 28, 2025) 

Toronto Public Health 

Click HERE to read the Toronto Public Health (TPH) Letter for better safety and health this season.  

Spring Clubs (April 1 – May 16) & Tutorial Schedule  

Please review the schedule by clicking the link HERE.  

Chess Club Change of Dates 

If you wish to register your child for Spring Chess Club, please click HERE for more information, including costs & payment methods.  

April Lunch Menu 

Please click HERE for the April Lunch Menu form.  

Sports Updates & Schedule: SSAF Badminton Tournament  

Fieldstone students (Elementary Grades 4 – 7 and Secondary Grades 9 – 12) will have the opportunity to participate in the SSAF Badminton Singles and Doubles tournaments starting in April.  

After-school training for students interested in taking part in our 2025 Badminton season against fellow schools starts in March. More information to follow when we return from the March break.   

FPA Pizza & Grub Day form 2024 – 2025

Please click HERE to view the Pizza & Grub Day form. 

Please click HERE to view the FDS monthly calendar (Sept – December). Thank you, Ms. Pasceri, for this calendar! 

New Student Referral Programme

If you refer new students to Fieldstone and they enroll, you will receive a $1,000 tuition subsidy or cheque per new student as a token of appreciation. 

Buddy Day

Help Fieldstone grow! If you know someone who’s interested in Fieldstone, send us an email so they can experience our unique programme.

Fieldstone Houses 
House  House Colour  House Points 
Carr  dark green/green  754 
Fox  red  806 
Peterson  navy blue/blue  818 
Richler  grey   793 

Weekly Updates: 

Kindergarten – Grade Four

Grades Five – Seven

Tuesday, April 1   Spring Clubs begin  

Sign up Form HERE.  

Friday, April 4   Scientists in School (Kindergarten – Grade One) 

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM 

Early dismissal – Parent teacher Interviews 1:00 – 6:30 p.m.   

Please email the Front Desk to reserve meetings with your child’s teachers.  

Monday, April 7   Cambridge Checkpoint test – English (9:00 AM – 11:15 AM) 

Schedule HERE. 

Tuesday, April 8   Badminton tournament (away) for badminton team players only.  
Wednesday, April 9   Cambridge Checkpoint test – Mathematics (9:00 AM – 10:35 AM)  
Thursday, April 10   Cambridge Checkpoint test – Science (9:00 AM – 10:15 AM) 
Friday, April 11   Shakespeare play ‘Romeo & Juliet’  

6:00 – 7:30 PM  


Friday, April 17   Fieldstone’s Spring Showcase  

Mr. Morales’s letter HERE. RSVP form HERE.  

Friday, April 18  Good Friday – No classes  
Monday, April 21  Easter Monday – No classes  
Tuesday, April 22   Classes resume 
Friday, April 25  FPA Pizza & Grub Day – SPORT JERSEY! 

FDS House Games  

Drop-off and Pick-up Routines

Parents are requested to follow the route marked in the diagram below.  

Social Media

Please follow us on social media to keep up with our latest events, photos, and activities. Click below for links.

Character Counts! Pins Programme 

Character building is important at Fieldstone, where we truly believe that character counts. The Character Counts! programme has found that there are at least six values that should be taught to all children. These are known as the “Six Pillars of Character”. Fieldstone students work diligently towards earning their Character Pins (photos on the right). We are very proud of them! Several students have been working diligently on their Character pins! You can find out more about the Character Counts Pin Programme HERE. If your child would like to participate in this wonderful programme, please ask your child to see Ms. Butcher. 

Community Reminders and Updates 

A reminder that smoking/vaping is not allowed within 20 meters of the school perimeter and is strictly prohibited on school property. This is both a school policy and provincial law. 

There may be some children in your child’s class who have peanut and/or tree nut allergies. A friendly reminder that Fieldstone is a nut-free school. Please provide your child with nut-free snacks and lunch.