Yukon only. Also known as Klondike Gold Discovery Day. Replaces the Civic Holiday observed on the 1st Monday of August in other areas of Canada Monday nearest August 17th. Yukon Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
Observed on November 11th to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918 and honour the veterans of both World Wars. Statutory holiday in most provinces and territories Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
National Patriots’ Day (Journée nationale des patriotes) is a commemoration of the Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837 Quebec only Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
A provincial statutory holiday observed on the third Monday in February in most provinces Statutory holiday in several provinces Information provided by www.officeholidays.com
St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is a widely known historic figure. But for all his celebrity, his life remains somewhat of a mystery Newfoundland and Labrador Information provided by www.officeholidays.com