New uniforms can be purchased at DGN Kilters. Please find details of their online shopping services HERE.
The address of the store (for in-person sales) is:
1500 Bonhill Rd.
Mississauga, ON, L5T 1C7
Tel: 1-800-437-5872
Gently used uniforms and some specialty items can be purchased at Fieldstone’s Uniform Shop. For more information, please contact
Uniforms are also available on-line at
Number One Dress
The following items are to be worn on designated “Number One Dress Days”, such as assembly or special event days. White dress shirt and tie are allowed to be worn on any day during the week, but they must be worn in a neat and complete manner. If a student wears a white dress shirt, it must be tucked in and a tie must be worn.

- Black Leather, Polish-able Shoes (no running shoes)
- Navy Blazer (crested)
- White Dress Shirts (long or short sleeves)
- Grey Dress Pants / Dress Shorts in hot weather only
- Navy or Tartan Tie (K-3)
- Navy Tie (4-8)
- Black/Grey/Navy Socks

- Black Leather, Polish-able Shoes with a heel no higher than 1.5 inch/3.5cm (no running shoes)
- Navy Blazer (crested)
- White Dress Shirts (long or short sleeves)
- Tartan Tunic (K-3) / Dress shorts in hot weather only
- Navy or Tartan Tie (K-3)
- Navy Tie (4-8)
- Navy Knee Socks or Navy Tights
- Black/Grey/Navy Socks
Regular Uniform
The following items can be worn on regular school days except on designated Number One Dress Days. Please note:
- Shirts are to be worn with grey pants, kilt, tunic, or navy/grey shorts.
- K-3 girls may wear rugby shirt with grey pants.
- Shirts do NOT have to be tucked in when worn on their own, but MUST be tucked in if worn with the vest or sweater.
- These shirts must be of an appropriate size for the students (not too tight or too baggy).
If a student wears a dress shirt, he/she must wear a tie.

- Navy Cardigan (Crested)
- Navy Vest (Crested)
- Navy V-neck Sweater (Crested)
- White Polo Shirt (Long or short sleeved, Crested)
- White Turtleneck Shirt (Crested)
- Navy Dress Shorts (Summer only)
- Grey Dress Pants

- Navy Cardigan (Crested)
- Navy Vest (Crested)
- Navy V-neck Sweater (Crested)
- White Polo Shirt (Long or short sleeved, Crested)
- White Turtleneck Shirt (Crested)
- Navy Dress Shorts (Summer only)
- Grey Dress Pants
- Navy Hooded Sweatshirt with logo (Friday only)
Summer Uniform (Optional From May 15 to October 1)
- Navy or Grey Dress Shorts
- White Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
- Grey, Navy, or Black Socks
- Black Shoes
Physical Education Uniform
- Gym T-shirt (Crested)
- Gym Sweatshirt (Crested)
- Gym Sweatpants (Crested)
- Gym Shorts (Crested)